Monday, May 27, 2013

How I lost twenty pounds in three months

After the three months of  changing my eating habits by only eating steamed vegatables, baked chicken, baked fish, mash potatoes, vegatables and nothing but water;  I lost twenty pounds.  After those three months, I began to slowly incorportate some protein and some bread.  I have accustomed to eating smaller portions and the baked  foods.  I actually like the steamed vegatables because they were very tasty and filling.  The baked chicken meal was very low in calories and very good as well.  In May, I started to do ZUMBA.  It is a great experience, because it allows you to dance and have fun at the same time with a group of womem who who are trying to accomplish the same goal.  I do not check my weight reugularly, however, when I started to change my eating habits; I was wearing a size sixteen in January.  Now, I can wear a size twelve.  That's an accomplishment for me, because my blood pressure is better controlled and I might have a chance to come off of high blood pressure medication according to my Physician.

Thanks for keeping in contact with me.  Continue to follow my next reveal on how I continue to lose the weight.

Until next time,


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