Saturday, June 22, 2013

Exercising videos; Check out our First Lady, Michelle Obama Exercising

Hello Readers,

I wanted to provide you with another video to help jumpstart your exercising techniques!

Please let me know how these videos are of assistance and what you like most.

I appreciate all of my followers and readers and I hope to get on-going post from each of you.

Good luck on all of your endeavors and hope to see some of you in the summer class.

Here are the video links I promised:  Check out our First Lady, Michelle Obama Exercising!

Until then,

Rosalyn Ross

Monday, June 17, 2013

Check out Melanie Williams Blog to see some of her exercising videos

Hi readers,

Check out Melanie Williams Blog; She has some really neat exercise videos for starters and

A link is provided for immediate access:

Until next time,

Rosalyn Ross

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Check Out My New Book Purchased on REJUVENATION

Good Afternoon to all my readers,

 I wanted to share my new book I purchased regarding Rejuvenation.

Thank you Professor Allen for that; I will definately share my new found remedies with

more Rejuvenation secrets.  I have provided the title and the link for your review.

I just bought: 'Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation' by Andreas Moritz

Until Then,


Sunday, June 9, 2013

Press Release of Rosalyn Ross Under Construction with New and Improved Exercising Techniques- Three New Videos Just For You!

Rosalyn Ross                                                                                                                                                         
Professor Allen
ICM 50300
June 9, 2013
    New Blog Page Introduces How Rosalyn Ross is Under Construction with New Exercising Techniques
Swansea, IL. - Rosalyn Ross would like to update you on her new and improved blog page to continue
the momentum on REJUVENATION with quick and easy exercises you can do right in your own home.    
Check out my new post on how to perform easy exercising techniques for beginners.  Please click on my
video and get started on incorporating some of the quick learning exercising skills that are easy to

learn and low in impact.
Check my blog weekly to see what’s next to come; whether it’s an exercising technique, new low calorie
meal, or that rejuvenating steam room to sweat those unwanted toxins out of your body.

Check below for three new videos.
For additional information refer to:
Rosalyn Ross
638 N. 20th Street
East St. Louis, IL.
Blog email:

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Exercise Workout You Can Do in Your Own Home

I wanted to share some small steps to take to burn fat right in your own home.  Don't try to do drastic exercise techniques; just do what your body is comfortable with and gradually move to another level.  This video will work out your abs, arms, hips and thighs with three workouts that maximize calorie burn while toning and tightening your entire body. 

For anyone who have some special exercising techniques; send them to my blog to explore and share some of your exercising techniqes.

Until Next Time,

Monday, May 27, 2013

How I lost twenty pounds in three months

After the three months of  changing my eating habits by only eating steamed vegatables, baked chicken, baked fish, mash potatoes, vegatables and nothing but water;  I lost twenty pounds.  After those three months, I began to slowly incorportate some protein and some bread.  I have accustomed to eating smaller portions and the baked  foods.  I actually like the steamed vegatables because they were very tasty and filling.  The baked chicken meal was very low in calories and very good as well.  In May, I started to do ZUMBA.  It is a great experience, because it allows you to dance and have fun at the same time with a group of womem who who are trying to accomplish the same goal.  I do not check my weight reugularly, however, when I started to change my eating habits; I was wearing a size sixteen in January.  Now, I can wear a size twelve.  That's an accomplishment for me, because my blood pressure is better controlled and I might have a chance to come off of high blood pressure medication according to my Physician.

Thanks for keeping in contact with me.  Continue to follow my next reveal on how I continue to lose the weight.

Until next time,


Sunday, May 19, 2013

How I lost twenty pounds in three months

I lost twenty pounds by starting off with three consecutive colon cleansers within three months.  For the next two months I only ate steamed vegetables, baked foods and fruits.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Try This New Meal As a Way To a Fresh Start

Chicken Fajita Stuffed Peppers

Submitted by: CHEF_MEG
Chicken Fajita Stuffed Peppers


Who says you have to serve fajitas in a flour tortilla? Instead of serving peppers in the fajitas, try serving fajitas in a roasted pepper! 
Number of Servings: 4


    1 batch (1 tablespoon) Chef Meg's No Salt Fajita Rub
    1 lime, zested and juiced
    1 teaspoon vegetable oil
    16 ounces boneless chicken breasts cut into strips
    1 large sweet or yellow onion, sliced
    4 roasted bell peppers or red chili peppers*

1/2 cup fresh corn

1 cup black beans, rinsed and drained

16 grape or cherry tomatoes, sliced
2 tablespoon cilantro, chopped

Lets get rejuvenated by learning new exercising techniques, eating habits to improve your health and ways to total rejuvenation!  In today's hectic world, it seems everywhere you turn there are people who are stressed out, burned out, and exhausted. You may be one of them. In situations like this it is important that you take time out to restore your energy or run the risk of creating both mental and physical issues. Follow these relaxation tips to rejuvenate yourself.

 Be Consistent- Whatever exercise program you decide to do
Follow an Effective Exercise Routine
 Set Realistic Goals

Saturday, May 4, 2013

To Every Special Mother: You Deserve a Facial To Rejuvenate Yourself

Reward Yourself for All You Give
Give Mom Something to Smile About
Every day, mothers everywhere spend a lot of time on us. On Mother's Day, it's their turn to be taken care of. Show Mom just how much she is appreciated with the gift of a "Mother's Day Escape" at Facial Rejuvenation Center Medical Spa.   For more information please contact:
Facial Rejuvenation Center | 3 N. High St. | Belleville | IL | 62220

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Press Release - Introduction of Rosalyn Ross's New Blog Page

Rosalyn Ross

Professor Deborah Allen

ICM 50300

May 1, 2013

                                              Introducing Rosalyn Ross's New Blog Page

Belleville, IL- Rosalyn Ross is announcing her new blog page to preview Steps on How To

Rejuvenate Yourself.  These steps will cover: Exercising Tips, Improving Eating Habits and A Day

of Wellness (Pampering You).  Each of these steps will assist you on improving you emotionally,

physically and mentally.  Please review step by step to assist you on getting up and moving.

To follow I will prepare some special packages on  where you can go for spas in your area, where

the gyms are and some special recipes to intice your taste buds with low calories.

For additional information, refer to

Rosalyn Ross

638 N. 20th Street

East St. Louis, IL. 62205


Blog email:

Phone: (618) 874-4715

Rejuvenate Yourself By Eating Healthy

Healthy Eating

Easy Tips for Planning a Healthy Diet & Sticking to It

Eating Well Help Center

Healthy Eating: Guide to New Food Pyramids and Tips for a Healthy Diet
Healthy eating is not about strict nutrition philosophies, staying unrealistically thin, or depriving yourself of the foods you love. Rather, it’s about feeling great, having more energy, stabilizing your mood, and keeping yourself as healthy as possible– all of which can be achieved by learning some nutrition basics and using them in a way that works for you. You can expand your range of healthy food choices and learn how to plan ahead to create and maintain a tasty, healthy diet.

To set yourself up for success, think about planning a healthy diet as a number of small, manageable steps rather than one big drastic change. If you approach the changes gradually and with commitment, you will have a healthy diet sooner than you think.
  • Simplify. Instead of being overly concerned with counting calories or measuring portion sizes, think of your diet in terms of color, variety, and freshness. This way it should be easier to make healthy choices. Focus on finding foods you love and easy recipes that incorporate a few fresh ingredients. Gradually, your diet will become healthier and more delicious.
  • Start slow and make changes to your eating habits over time. Trying to make your diet healthy overnight isn’t realistic or smart. Changing everything at once usually leads to cheating or giving up on your new eating plan. Make small steps, like adding a salad (full of different color vegetables) to your diet once a day or switching from butter to olive oil when cooking. As your small changes become habit, you can continue to add more healthy choices to your diet.
  • Every change you make to improve your diet matters. You don’t have to be perfect and you don’t have to completely eliminate foods you enjoy to have a healthy diet. The long term goal is to feel good, have more energy, and reduce the risk of cancer and disease. Don’t let your missteps derail you—every healthy food choice you make counts.

Think of water and exercise as food groups in your diet.

Water. Water helps flush our systems of waste products and toxins, yet many people go through life dehydrated—causing tiredness, low energy, and headaches. It’s common to mistake thirst for hunger, so staying well hydrated will also help you make healthier food choices.
Exercise.  Find something active that you like to do and add it to your day, just like you would add healthy greens, blueberries, or salmon. The benefits of lifelong exercise are abundant and regular exercise may even motivate you to make healthy food choices a habit.

Healthy eating tip 2: Moderation is key

People often think of healthy eating as an all or nothing proposition, but a key foundation for any healthy diet is moderation. But what is moderation? How much is a moderate amount? That really depends on you and your overall eating habits. The goal of healthy eating is to develop a diet that you can maintain for life, not just a few weeks or months, or until you've hit your ideal weight. So try to think of moderation in terms of balance. Despite what certain fad diets would have you believe, we all need a balance of carbohydrates, protein, fat, fiber, vitamins, and minerals to sustain a healthy body.
For most of us, moderation or balance means eating less than we do now. More specifically, it means eating far less of the unhealthy stuff (unrefined sugar, saturated fat, for example) and more of the healthy (such as fresh fruit and vegetables). But it doesn't mean eliminating the foods you love. Eating bacon for breakfast once a week, for example, could be considered moderation if you follow it with a healthy lunch and dinner–but not if you follow it with a box of donuts and a sausage pizza. If you eat 100 calories of chocolate one afternoon, balance it out by deducting 100 calories from your evening meal. If you're still hungry, fill up with an extra serving of fresh vegetables.
  • Try not to think of certain foods as “off-limits.” When you ban certain foods or food groups, it is natural to want those foods more, and then feel like a failure if you give in to temptation. If you are drawn towards sweet, salty, or unhealthy foods, start by reducing portion sizes and not eating them as often. Later you may find yourself craving them less or thinking of them as only occasional indulgences.
  • Think smaller portions. Serving sizes have ballooned recently, particularly in restaurants. When dining out, choose a starter instead of an entree, split a dish with a friend, and don't order supersized anything. At home, use smaller plates, think about serving sizes in realistic terms, and start small. If you don't feel satisfied at the end of a meal, try adding more leafy green vegetables or rounding off the meal with fresh fruit. Visual cues can help with portion sizes–your serving of meat, fish, or chicken should be the size of a deck of cards, a slice of bread should be the size of a CD case, and half a cup of mashed potato, rice, or pasta is about the size of a traditional light bulb.

Healthy eating tip 3: It's not just what you eat, it's how you eat

Healthy Eating Healthy eating is about more than the food on your plate—it is also about how you think about food. Healthy eating habits can be learned and it is important to slow down and think about food as nourishment rather than just something to gulp down in between meetings or on the way to pick up the kids.
  • Eat with others whenever possible. Eating with other people has numerous social and emotional benefits—particularly for children—and allows you to model healthy eating habits. Eating in front of the TV or computer often leads to mindless overeating.
  • Take time to chew your food and enjoy mealtimes. Chew your food slowly, savoring every bite. We tend to rush though our meals, forgetting to actually taste the flavors and feel the textures of our food. Reconnect with the joy of eating.
  • Listen to your body. Ask yourself if you are really hungry, or have a glass of water to see if you are thirsty instead of hungry. During a meal, stop eating before you feel full. It actually takes a few minutes for your brain to tell your body that it has had enough food, so eat slowly.
  • Eat breakfast, and eat smaller meals throughout the day. A healthy breakfast can jumpstart your metabolism, and eating small, healthy meals throughout the day (rather than the standard three large meals) keeps your energy up and your metabolism going.
  • Avoid eating at night. Try to eat dinner earlier in the day and then fast for 14-16 hours until breakfast the next morning. Early studies suggest that this simple dietary adjustment—eating only when you’re most active and giving your digestive system a long break each day—may help to regulate weight. After-dinner snacks tend to be high in fat and calories so are best avoided, anyway.

Healthy eating tip 4: Fill up on colorful fruits and vegetables

Shop the perimeter of the grocery storeFruits and vegetables are the foundation of a healthy diet. They are low in calories and nutrient dense, which means they are packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber.
Try to eat a rainbow of fruits and vegetables every day and with every meal—the brighter the better. Colorful, deeply colored fruits and vegetables contain higher concentrations of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants—and different colors provide different benefits, so eat a variety. Aim for a minimum of five portions each day.
Some great choices include:
  • Greens. Branch out beyond bright and dark green lettuce. Kale, mustard greens, broccoli, and Chinese cabbage are just a few of the options—all packed with calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, zinc, and vitamins A, C, E, and K.
  • Sweet vegetables. Naturally sweet vegetables—such as corn, carrots, beets, sweet potatoes, yams, onions, and squash—add healthy sweetness to your meals and reduce your cravings for other sweets.
  • Fruit. Fruit is a tasty, satisfying way to fill up on fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants. Berries are cancer-fighting, apples provide fiber, oranges and mangos offer vitamin C, and so on.

The importance of getting vitamins from food—not pills

The antioxidants and other nutrients in fruits and vegetables help protect against certain types of cancer and other diseases. And while advertisements abound for supplements promising to deliver the nutritional benefits of fruits and vegetables in pill or powder form, research suggests that it’s just not the same.
A daily regimen of nutritional supplements is not going to have the same impact of eating right. That’s because the benefits of fruits and vegetables don’t come from a single vitamin or an isolated antioxidant.
The health benefits of fruits and vegetables come from numerous vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals working together synergistically. They can’t be broken down into the sum of their parts or replicated in pill form.

Healthy eating tip 5: Eat more healthy carbs and whole grains

Choose healthy carbohydrates and fiber sources, especially whole grains, for long lasting energy. In addition to being delicious and satisfying, whole grains are rich in phytochemicals and antioxidants, which help to protect against coronary heart disease, certain cancers, and diabetes. Studies have shown people who eat more whole grains tend to have a healthier heart.

A quick definition of healthy carbs and unhealthy carbs

Healthy carbs (sometimes known as good carbs) include whole grains, beans, fruits, and vegetables. Healthy carbs are digested slowly, helping you feel full longer and keeping blood sugar and insulin levels stable.
Unhealthy carbs (or bad carbs) are foods such as white flour, refined sugar, and white rice that have been stripped of all bran, fiber, and nutrients. Unhealthy carbs digest quickly and cause spikes in blood sugar levels and energy.

Tips for eating more healthy carbs

Whole Grain Stamp
  • Include a variety of whole grains in your healthy diet, including whole wheat, brown rice, millet, quinoa, and barley. Experiment with different grains to find your favorites.
  • Make sure you're really getting whole grains. Be aware that the words stone-ground, multi-grain, 100% wheat, or bran can be deceptive. Look for the words “whole grain” or “100% whole wheat” at the beginning of the ingredient list. In the U.S., Canada, and some other countries, check for the Whole Grain Stamps that distinguish between partial whole grain and 100% whole grain.
  • Try mixing grains as a first step to switching to whole grains. If whole grains like brown rice and whole wheat pasta don’t sound good at first, start by mixing what you normally use with the whole grains. You can gradually increase the whole grain to 100%.
Avoid: Refined foods such as breads, pastas, and breakfast cereals that are not whole grain.

Healthy eating tip 6: Enjoy healthy fats & avoid unhealthy fats

Good sources of healthy fat are needed to nourish your brain, heart, and cells, as well as your hair, skin, and nails. Foods rich in certain omega-3 fats called EPA and DHA are particularly important and can reduce cardiovascular disease, improve your mood, and help prevent dementia.

Add to your healthy diet:

  • Monounsaturated fats, from plant oils like canola oil, peanut oil, and olive oil, as well as avocados, nuts (like almonds, hazelnuts, and pecans), and seeds (such as pumpkin, sesame).
  • Polyunsaturated fats, including Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, found in fatty fish such as salmon, herring, mackerel, anchovies, sardines, and some cold water fish oil supplements. Other sources of polyunsaturated fats are unheated sunflower, corn, soybean, flaxseed oils, and walnuts.

Reduce or eliminate from your diet:

  • Saturated fats, found primarily in animal sources including red meat and whole milk dairy products.
  • Trans fats, found in vegetable shortenings, some margarines, crackers, candies, cookies, snack foods, fried foods, baked goods, and other processed foods made with partially hydrogenated vegetable oils.

Healthy eating tip 7: Put protein in perspective

Protein gives us the energy to get up and go—and keep going. Protein in food is broken down into the 20 amino acids that are the body’s basic building blocks for growth and energy, and essential for maintaining cells, tissues, and organs. A lack of protein in our diet can slow growth, reduce muscle mass, lower immunity, and weaken the heart and respiratory system. Protein is particularly important for children, whose bodies are growing and changing daily.

Here are some guidelines for including protein in your healthy diet:

Try different types of protein. Whether or not you are a vegetarian, trying different protein sources—such as beans, nuts, seeds, peas, tofu, and soy products—will open up new options for healthy mealtimes.
  • Beans: Black beans, navy beans, garbanzos, and lentils are good options.
  • Nuts: Almonds, walnuts, pistachios, and pecans are great choices.
  • Soy products: Try tofu, soy milk, tempeh, and veggie burgers for a change.
  • Avoid salted or sugary nuts and refried beans.
Downsize your portions of protein. Many people in the West eat too much protein. Try to move away from protein being the center of your meal. Focus on equal servings of protein, whole grains, and vegetables.
Focus on quality sources of protein, like fresh fish, chicken or turkey, tofu, eggs, beans, or nuts. When you are having meat, chicken, or turkey, buy meat that is free of hormones and antibiotics.

Healthy eating tip 8: Add calcium for strong bones

Add Calcium for Strong BonesCalcium is one of the key nutrients that your body needs in order to stay strong and healthy. It is an essential building block for lifelong bone health in both men and women, as well as many other important functions.
You and your bones will benefit from eating plenty of calcium-rich foods, limiting foods that deplete your body’s calcium stores, and getting your daily dose of magnesium and vitamins D and K—nutrients that help calcium do its job.
Recommended calcium levels are 1000 mg per day, 1200 mg if you are over 50 years old. Take a vitamin D and calcium supplement if you don’t get enough of these nutrients from your diet.

Good sources of calcium include:

  • Dairy: Dairy products are rich in calcium in a form that is easily digested and absorbed by the body. Sources include milk, yogurt, and cheese.
  • Vegetables and greens: Many vegetables, especially leafy green ones, are rich sources of calcium. Try turnip greens, mustard greens, collard greens, kale, romaine lettuce, celery, broccoli, fennel, cabbage, summer squash, green beans, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, and crimini mushrooms.
  • Beans: For another rich source of calcium, try black beans, pinto beans, kidney beans, white beans, black-eyed peas, or baked beans.

Healthy eating tip 9: Limit sugar and salt

If you succeed in planning your diet around fiber-rich fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and good fats, you may find yourself naturally cutting back on foods that can get in the way of your healthy diet—sugar and salt.


Sugar causes energy ups and downs and can add to health and weight problems. Unfortunately, reducing the amount of candy, cakes, and desserts we eat is only part of the solution. Often you may not even be aware of the amount of sugar you’re consuming each day. Large amounts of added sugar can be hidden in foods such as bread, canned soups and vegetables, pasta sauce, margarine, instant mashed potatoes, frozen dinners, fast food, soy sauce, and ketchup. Here are some tips:
  • Avoid sugary drinks. One 12-oz soda has about 10 teaspoons of sugar in it, more than the daily recommended limit! Try sparkling water with lemon or a splash of fruit juice.
  • Eat naturally sweet food such as fruit, peppers, or natural peanut butter to satisfy your sweet tooth.

How sugar is hidden on food labels

Check food labels carefully. Sugar is often disguised using terms such as:
  • cane sugar or maple syrup
  • corn sweetener or corn syrup
  • honey or molasses
  • brown rice syrup
  • crystallized or evaporated cane juice
  • fruit juice concentrates, such as apple or pear
  • maltodextrin (or dextrin)
  • Dextrose, Fructose, Glucose, Maltose, or Sucrose


Most of us consume too much salt in our diets. Eating too much salt can cause high blood pressure and lead to other health problems. Try to limit sodium intake to 1,500 to 2,300 mg per day, the equivalent of one teaspoon of salt.
  • Avoid processed or pre-packaged foods. Processed foods like canned soups or frozen dinners contain hidden sodium that quickly surpasses the recommended limit.
  • Be careful when eating out. Most restaurant and fast food meals are loaded with sodium.
  • Opt for fresh or frozen vegetables instead of canned vegetables.
  • Cut back on salty snacks such as potato chips, nuts, and pretzels.
  • Choose low-salt or reduced-sodium products.
  • Try slowly reducing the salt in your diet to give your taste buds time to adjust.

Exercising Tips Exclusively For You

10 Workout Secrets Exclusively For You

Getting and staying fit can be a challenge. For many of us, it's hard just to get up off the couch. So what's the secret of people who have managed to make exercise a way of life?
woman working with trainer

1. Be Consistent

Whatever exercise program you decide to do; whether it's yoga, arobics, zumba, weight lifting or walking, just stick to what works for you.  I am the first to admit that if we don't; we will resort back to old habits.  I started zumba four weeks ago; but had to began another job.  That has nothing to do with me making time after the other job.  If I incorporate walking or some movement in my home, at least that would be some kind of work out for the day.  So just thinks of something simple that you like doing; jumping jacks will do.  Continue the road to getting up and moving!

2. Follow an Effective Exercise Routine

The American Council on Exercise (ACE) recently surveyed 1,000 ACE-certified personal trainers about the best techniques to get fit. Their top three suggestions:
  • Strength training.  Even 20 minutes a day twice a week will help tone the entire body.
  • Interval training. "In its most basic form, interval training might involve walking for two minutes, running for two, and alternating this pattern throughout the duration of a workout," says Cedric Bryant, PhD, FACSM, chief science officer for ACE. "It is an extremely time-efficient and productive way to exercise."
  • Increased cardio/aerobic exercise. Bryant suggests accumulating 60 minutes or more a day of low- to moderate-intensity physical activity, such as walking, running, or dancing.

3. Set Realistic Goals

"Don't strive for perfection or an improbable goal that can't be met," says Kara Thompson, spokesperson for the International Health Racquet and Sportsclub Association (IHRSA). "Focus instead on increasing healthy behaviors."
In other words, don't worry if you can't run a 5K just yet. Make it a habit to walk 15 minutes a day, and add time, distance, and intensity from there.

4. Use the Buddy System

Find a friend or relative whom you like and trust who also wants to establish a healthier lifestyle, suggests Thompson. "Encourage one another. Exercise together. Use this as an opportunity to enjoy one another's company and to strengthen the relationship."

Rejuvenating Steps To Revive Yourself

In today's hectic world, it seems everywhere you turn there are people who are stressed out, burned out, and exhausted. You may be one of them. In situations like this it is important that you take time out to restore your energy or run the risk of creating both mental and physical issues. Follow these relaxation tips to rejuvenate yourself.

    Take a break. In some cases, you may be able to take a break and walk away from a stressful situate. Whether you are at work or at home, stepping away can help clear your mind so that you can refocus and approach any issues from a new angle. Take a walk around the block or sit outside for a few moments.

    Learn breathing techniques. Take a deep breath and hold it for 5 seconds. Slowly release the breath and wait 5 seconds before taking another breath. As you exhale, imagine you are releasing all the negativity from your mind and body. With each intake of breath, imagine you are ingesting vitality and positivity. Repeat for several minutes until you feel you are relaxed enough to refocus on your tasks.

    Get away. Time away can help clear your head and rejuvenate yourself. You could simply take the day off and stay at home or you may wish to truly get away with a vacation. If you go away with family or friends, make sure to keep the atmosphere as free of conflicts as possible. Going from 1 stressful environment to another will not help you restore your energy.

    Pamper yourself. Spend a day at the spa or give yourself a pedicure and enjoy a long hot bath. Add bath salts and fragrant bubbles to your bath. Lavender is a wonderful scent that helps with rejuvenation. You may also wish to turn on soft, relaxing music in the background and light candles, similar to the environment you would get at a spa.

    Disconnect yourself. If it is at all possible, turn off your cellular phone and computer. Give yourself an hour or a few days of no distractions as you rejuvenate yourself. This will allow you to truly immerse yourself in relaxing activities without distractions from work or other outside influences. You may wish to check messages in case of emergencies, but only check them sporadically and only return calls for things that truly need immediate action.

    Reassess your life. You may be feeling stressed because you realize you are not meeting your own needs. Look at the things that make you unhappy in your life and try to find ways to improve those areas. Changes could be as small as blocking off 10 minutes a day to sit and meditate or as large as changing careers and moving. Take the steps you feel will best help you restore your energy and regain control in your life.

    Research various relaxation tips. There are all kinds of things you can do to help rejuvenate yourself. You may wish to take up a new hobby, read more, or spend more time in social situations. Not all tips work for everyone, so choose relaxation tips that fit into your lifestyle and what is feasible for you.

  • If you continue to have extreme stress after attempting several rejuvenation techniques you may wish to consult your physician or other professional.

  • Do not ignore the stress and exhaustion you feel. This can have mental, emotional, and physical repercussions. Address negativity and stress as soon as possible and deal with them in an appropriate manner.

Sources and Citations