Saturday, June 22, 2013

Exercising videos; Check out our First Lady, Michelle Obama Exercising

Hello Readers,

I wanted to provide you with another video to help jumpstart your exercising techniques!

Please let me know how these videos are of assistance and what you like most.

I appreciate all of my followers and readers and I hope to get on-going post from each of you.

Good luck on all of your endeavors and hope to see some of you in the summer class.

Here are the video links I promised:  Check out our First Lady, Michelle Obama Exercising!

Until then,

Rosalyn Ross

Monday, June 17, 2013

Check out Melanie Williams Blog to see some of her exercising videos

Hi readers,

Check out Melanie Williams Blog; She has some really neat exercise videos for starters and

A link is provided for immediate access:

Until next time,

Rosalyn Ross

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Check Out My New Book Purchased on REJUVENATION

Good Afternoon to all my readers,

 I wanted to share my new book I purchased regarding Rejuvenation.

Thank you Professor Allen for that; I will definately share my new found remedies with

more Rejuvenation secrets.  I have provided the title and the link for your review.

I just bought: 'Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation' by Andreas Moritz

Until Then,


Sunday, June 9, 2013

Press Release of Rosalyn Ross Under Construction with New and Improved Exercising Techniques- Three New Videos Just For You!

Rosalyn Ross                                                                                                                                                         
Professor Allen
ICM 50300
June 9, 2013
    New Blog Page Introduces How Rosalyn Ross is Under Construction with New Exercising Techniques
Swansea, IL. - Rosalyn Ross would like to update you on her new and improved blog page to continue
the momentum on REJUVENATION with quick and easy exercises you can do right in your own home.    
Check out my new post on how to perform easy exercising techniques for beginners.  Please click on my
video and get started on incorporating some of the quick learning exercising skills that are easy to

learn and low in impact.
Check my blog weekly to see what’s next to come; whether it’s an exercising technique, new low calorie
meal, or that rejuvenating steam room to sweat those unwanted toxins out of your body.

Check below for three new videos.
For additional information refer to:
Rosalyn Ross
638 N. 20th Street
East St. Louis, IL.
Blog email:

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Exercise Workout You Can Do in Your Own Home

I wanted to share some small steps to take to burn fat right in your own home.  Don't try to do drastic exercise techniques; just do what your body is comfortable with and gradually move to another level.  This video will work out your abs, arms, hips and thighs with three workouts that maximize calorie burn while toning and tightening your entire body. 

For anyone who have some special exercising techniques; send them to my blog to explore and share some of your exercising techniqes.

Until Next Time,